E-Poster Preparation Guidelines and Rules
POSTERS serve as platform for researchers to engage in a dialogue with peers regarding their study. Alongside the abstract, they should provide sufficient detail to enable readers to clearly understand the research in its entirety. Authors must strictly adhere to the guidelines concerning text size and typeface. While there is flexibility in choice of colors and their design elements, ensuring readability is crucial; therefore, color conflicts (E.g. red text on a green or yellow background) should be avoided.
We are proud to announce that, in alignment with our commitment to environmental preservation and our innovative approach to this year’s meeting, the VII ABCF Congress Organization Committee has decided to implement the use of “Digital Posters” for presentations during the VII ABCF Congress Poster Session.
- The poster MUST include the final code (Session code – letter of the alphabet – and ID number) prominently displayed in the UPPER LEFT CORNER. Please note that the final code will be sent via email by October 21th.
- The deadline to submit E-Posters through the platform https://e-poster.com.br/viiabcf/ is November 3th, 2024.
- Only E-Posters will be accepted, so BE SURE TO SUBMIT your poster electronically (E-Poster). This means that there is no available place to hold printed posters.
- The e-poster must be written in English;
- The e-poster layout should feature a full-width heading that includes the title, authors, and institutional affiliations;
- The title should be consistent with the one submitted in the abstract and legible from a distance of 3 meters (e.g., Arial font, 18 – 20 pt). Authors and institutional affiliations should be in the same font, but in a smaller size (e.g., 10 – 12 pt). The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
- To maintain clarity, the background must be a solid color, devoid of patterns or images. The poster should be organized into the following sections: Introduction (with aims), Methods, Results, Conclusions, References, and Acknowledgments/Financial Support.
- Sections should be arranged vertically to facilitate a logical reading flow from left to right across columns. All text, including figure legends, should be in 8 – 10 pt, with section headings in bold, 14 – 16 pt.
- It is encouraged to make extensive use of diagrams, flowcharts, and figures to effectively convey methods, results (maximum of 6 figures and 2 tables) and conclusions.
- Avoid excess of text. Approval by the Human or Animal Research Ethics Committee must be included, where applicable.
- The use of static images and graphs is permitted.
- Institutional logos (university, capes, cnpq, etc.) should be inserted in the bottom bar near the ABCF logo.
Power point Template
- The download template is preconfigured to the correct dimension for the event’s equipment The tips (above) and the background provided in the template are suggested guidelines and can be freely edited to suit the needs of each author.
- The file must be created in PowerPoint (ppt, .pptx) or a similar program, in a single slide, and saved in PPT, PPTX or PDF format;
- The presentation is LIMITED to one page (slide);
- Page dimensions: 15.752 cm x 28.002 cm (width x height);
- Slide orientation: “Custom” portrait
- DO NOT underline, or use italic and italic font, except for scientific names;
- To prevent text from being cut off, ensure that margins set in the template are maintained.
If you have trouble downloading the template, right-click on ‘TEMPLATE (POWERPOINT)’ and select the ‘Save link as…’ option.